An absolutely delicious morning. Very crisp at minus four before windchill. I usually get to the Scrubs via the Grand Union Canal and Scrubs lane. Much of the canal was frozen over, which was pretty.

Woomword Scrubs doesn't match the Heath or Regents and Hyde Parks for outright size, but it is definitely the largest open space within regular running distance. This is its main appeal, in addition to the opportunity to reach it via the canal.
Here is the prison itself:

You can get right up to the walls:

Alas, though, no grappling hooks, tunnels or genius civil engineers rescuing their brothers from death row.

I did an 8 mile loop in 60-65 mins. This puts me at a 7.5-8 minute mile. I'd like to be a bit closer to 7.0, really, but it's all good. I always enjoy timing runs for the sunrise.

I was hoping to see pictures from within the prison walls. Maybe you can provide those after your mastermind bank robbery goes bad. Just wait until after the half-marathon.