I got drenched cycling home this evening. The heavens just opened (fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more) and I had no wet weather gear. What hurt most was the betrayal this represented - the weather forecast said it would remain clear and the morning was breathtakingly beautiful; cold, frosty and clear.

I ran to Gladstone park and took a different route home. I'm really yearning for some new territory. I'll hopefully be able to satisfy this as my runs lengthen in coming weeks.

View while running along Dollis Hill Avenue
I did a 6.7 min/mile (14 kph) over 5.5 miles, which was pleasantly swift, but somewhat irrelevant. Distance wise, I hunger for bigger game. Getting lower than 7.5 min/mile over 10 miles and more is going to be a lot more challenging that scoring below 7 within the 6 mile watershed. I'm thinking, with two days rest ahead, that I'll give the full 13.1 a go on Saturday. Hopefully I'll be able to settle on a suitably climactic itinerary.