Seems like less.
Weather notwithstanding, I didn't want to get up yesterday morning. Really didn't want to get up.
I did, of course - once I couldn't dismiss the reality of the day any longer.

I made it out as far as Hyde Park, which was nice, as, besides passing through once or twice on decently long runs (and besides cycling along its western edge everyday) I haven't run there for a couple of years.

There was a lovely strip of mist everpresent in the distance between the trees. I ran three miles there, three miles in the park itself, and three miles back (on the good side of 7.5m/m). It's probably the most runner-friendly of all the parks - long paths and gentle slopes, nice surroundings. It's big enough that you could probably do a figure of eight to the tune of 6 - 7 miles without re-running paths. It's more popular parts aren't to be touched in nice weather in the afternoon, however, due to crowd density.

I'm saving myself at the moment for a final long run (on Saturday?) before Prague. Maybe I'll do the park again and run twice as far within it. I'm tempted by yomping over to Highgate, however, to re-live those happy jaunts from last year.
I'm hoping I'll still find plenty of impetus to clock up long distances after Prague...
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