Spring has sprung, bringing with it weather from the vile to the bizarre. This does all sorts of things for me, given the close relationship I have with the climate. I have, however, made full use of the nice patches as and when they've appeared.
I had a brilliant scamper along the White Cliffs of Dover, courtesy of Dave Robinson, along with Emma, Vanessa, Zinta and Lou. It was one of the most scene runs I've ever done.
No photos of us, alas, but this was the exact portion we ran along.
I remain fairly bored with everything with a six mile range. I ventured into new territory by following the Grand Union Canal out further than ever before (to the tune of 9 miles there and back - a full 13 I'll save for a later date).
I absolutely adore the tranquility and industrial scenery.
I've never made it as far as the North Circular before - the canal goes over it.
Wembley Stadium in the near distance.
I was particularly pleased that Angus managed the 5 miles with me in a less-than-shabby 40 minutes. I needed a slow one after a bit of leg pain on Saturday and it was great to see him stretch himself. We did six miles together last week, though the pace was gentler.
Love the endorphins from sun and blue sky.
Nice to see that some decent springtime running weather has finally surfaced. Tried to get V to jog down to the gym with me today...ended up just leaving her behind as she was frustrated with my warm-up technique. :)